In 1976, my wife Margie and I came to California on a sabbatical
leave. I had just been promoted to full professor with tenure at
the University of Massachusetts and Margie had just completed her
Ph.D. there. Our intention was to stay in California for one year. That
was more than thirty years ago. What happened? We caught the en-
trepreneurial bug. We decided to start our own leadership training
and development company to pursue our dream of working with
people we loved, making a difference in the world, and having fun. At
that time we couldn’t even spell the word “entrepreneur,” and now we
are ones! With offices in Escondido, California, Toronto, and London,
plus partnerships in thirty nations, we have three hundred people
working with us. By all standards we have been successful but, boy,
has it been a bumpy ride.
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