now. Plus, if you had known then what you know now (i.e., when to
buy and sell Yahoo! or Microsoft), would you have done what it takes
to become rich off the stock market? Probably not. Buying low and
selling high go against human nature. Just ask the man who bought
Yahoo! at more than $150 per share and watched the share price
plummet to around $12 per share. The meteoric rise of the stock mar-
ket in the 1990s was an abnormality. Will the stock market continue
to go up? Sure, historically speaking over the long term it will. (See
Figure 1.1) But the markets will continue to rise and fall all the time.
Will it skyrocket the way it did in the 90s? No one can say. Investors
today are smarter, younger, and have more time to wait to make the
returns they want. For those who are trying to make their first or their
umpteenth million, today’s market serves as a lesson of hurry up and
wait. This is a road that the average investor just shouldn’t travel
alone. Here’s the first secret that many wealthy people know: Hire a
financial advisor to do some of the worrying for you.
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